June 7, 2013

Will You?

Tell me something sweet even if it just a lie.

*   *   *   *   *

"I love you."

Imagine hearing those three words eight letters from someone you actually have no idea who he is. He's not your boyfriend, not your family and not even from a friend of yours. He just come to you and whisper those three words.

How you'll react?

Your heart stop beating few seconds. Somehow, you just like it. It's like you've never heard that from anyone before. The feeling is indescribable. You like it, but its weird. But, you just, like it.

But this feeling (referring to paragraph above),

this feeling can never beat the feeling of hearing those three words eight letters from someone you love, someone you dream about. Your body melt and your breath get caught in your chest. It just wonderful.

*   *   *   *   *

Tell me something sweet even if it just a lie, will you?

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