January 11, 2012

Page 10 of 366

My handwritten is ugly. As ugly as me.

This final sem is more stressful than I thought. Can you believe me I slept for only 4 hours yesterday and the rest I was studying for test? Yes TEST ! No? I know this is SO NOT MEEEEE ! Biasa test aku pasrah je sebelum ni. Tapi kali ni final semester tak boleh main-main wehhh.

Hari ni pon tak boleh tidur lagi sebab esok pukul 8 pagi ade paper Research and Methodology. Dan tadi paper International Business was okay alhamdulillah. Sebab soalan semua dia amek dari text book like I expected. Haha. Seronok gila ! Tu pon sebab quiz hari tu dia amek dari text book juga, so yeah dari situ dah boleh tahu kan mesti Mr. Muruga (my IB lect) amek dari text book juga.

Can't wait for the weekends ! Wehoo ! ;D Wish me luck for test ! Thank you :')

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